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Grayson has been staring and waving his little hands at the monkey toy on his little gym for the last two weeks. He laughs when I pull on it to make it play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Today, while we were getting ready to head to Sam's Club, I put him under his gym. He locked eyes with the monkey. He put his hand out, and grabbed onto the little ring. He laughed. The monkey didn't play the song, but he didn't care, victory was his!
David went out today and while he was out he found Scene It: Simpsons Edition. David is a HUGE Simpsons fan. Ethan just likes a good board game. So, when David brought this game home, Ethan was all kinds of excited. We broke it out and played a game. David gave Ethan all the answers, and even though I had a considerable lead, David kicked my butt in the end. It was fun.
This is the sling I got from my friend. Grayson was happy, so we put it on. Again, he was happy for quite awhile and I was able to throw our sheets in the wash and pick up around our bedroom a little. Exciting! Hey, it's the little things! Don't you just love how he's sticking his tongue out?
I was listening to the Glee soundtrack (I am a TOTAL Gleek!) tonight while making dinner and doing the dishes. Claire was getting down with her bad self next to me. She comes over and jogs in place and shakes her hair around. Her tiny version of dancing. I snapped her mid step. That's Grayson in the background wishing he could shake it.
I've got two slings. This Hotsling, and a sling that a friend made for me for Christmas. I love them both. Grayson just happened to be calm today, so I took the chance to try and get him into one. The Hotsling was closest to me, so I grabbed, folded it, threw it on and put him inside. He was super happy and content in there for well over an hour. I was actually able to clean off my counter, which is not made evident by this picture because I started cleaning after I took the picture. I would have waited, but by the time I was done, he just wasn't having it anymore. He loved it in there though. I think whenever he's calm and I have things to do, I'm going to pop him in a sling and get some things done!
The post below this one was supposed to be posted yesterday, but my computer was all, "Hell no. I ain't uploading any pictures today!" So, I didn't. Anyways, Grayson hates his swing. He cries every time we put him in it. Now, Ethan and Claire HATED the forward backward swinging, they loved the side to side. Unfortunately, I don't have a side to side swing. When Ethan was a baby, I was lucky enough that my cousin, Yvonne, gave me her swing when her daughter outgrew it. When we moved to Wisconsin from Arizona, I gave it over to some of our friends who were expecting. When I had Claire, my friend Jamie let me borrow her swing from her daughter. Well, we were pregnant at the same time this last time around, and I gave the swing back. So, all we had was a travel swing. Grayson hates it. He used to 3 times, in his first week of life. I think he'd be happy in a side to side swing, but they are just so darn expensive. So, Claire uses the swing for Elmo and Cookie Monster. At least someone uses the swing.
This is Teddy. We got him for Ethan for Christmas in December of 2007. Don't let his cuteness fool you. He will steal your heart and your sandwich in the same second. He finds the wrong times to cuddle. He barks when the wind blows. He licks your face just after having a drink of water. He has the uncontrollable urge to lick your feet when you are putting on or taking off your shoes. He is Teddy..Dog of the house.
Ethan got a Bob The Builder construction set for his birthday when he turned 4. Claire found the hat to that set and adopted it as hers. She likes to wear it turned backwards, sideways or like this (see above). She loves this hat, and she's darn cute wearing it!
When Grayson is laying on the couch, Ethan likes to lean over him and rock him gently from side to side. Grayson just looks at him and LAUGHS it up. He thinks it's hysterical. This, in turn, makes Ethan laugh even more, which makes Grayson laugh more. It's the cutest thing ever. I love my boys!
I was trying to take more gummy smile pictures of Grayson, but the Zebra on his gym moved, almost every time I pushed the button. I would get push, and off to the side he'd look, all distracted by the zebra. That's OK. He's still adorable!
I don't really know what it is with Ethan's face and snowballs this year. I guess it's just a Target. This picture was taken last week (the day my camera broke) after he came home and I saw he was rocked in the face by a snowball. Thankfully, this time, there was no bloody nose involved. The last time this happened, the kid hit him the right cheek and on his nose hard enough to cause some pretty awesome bleeding from the nasal area. It freaked me OUT! He's doing better though. The bruise is gone, and the scratches are on their way to being gone.
There's Claire, getting her art on. She loves to color, so we got her the Crayola Color Me A Song for Christmas, and she's all over it. She pushes the button, and then dances to the music while she makes her art. I've already got a few pictures on the fridge. Ethan was not this into coloring at this age. Claire can't get enough of it. We're going to have to watch her more closely now though. When she was done with this picture, she decided to taste the crayons, and apparently she really liked it, because she ate a red one that she found later in the day. Oh, and that's our dog, Teddy, watching her get creative.
Grayson discovered yesterday afternoon that if he grabs a toy, it moves. He kept pushing that zebra, which knocked into the monkey making the monkey jingle. Giggles ensued. He was thrilled. This happened repeatedly for over an hour. Entertainment brought to you by an infant gym. I love his baby laugh!
It worked. My camera finally worked. I don't know what I did, but it started taking pictures. WOO!! I'm still going to exchange it though, just to be safe. So, when if finally got it working, I snapped this gummy grin from Grayson. He was all super happy this morning, loving his time spent playing with his little baby gym. He was really laughing at this little monkey that hangs off the bar of the gym. For some reason, that monkey is hysterical. It must tell good jokes.
I really think my new camera is done for, and I won't be going the way of Target until the 29th. My old camera is still alive, but now I can't find batteries for it. This, of course, has prompted smiles and all kinds of happiness from Grayson, of which I cannot capture! Sure, he's only 2 months old, but I think he sees the humor in this situation. Anywho, please enjoy another oldie, but a goodie!
My camera is still having issues. Unfortunately, I think it's broken. It turns on, then the screen goes blank and the lens stays out and I hear a whirring sound. I need to take it back and exchange it. DAMN!! Anyways, here's another oldie. Claire, lookin' fly in mommy's shades!
My camera has decided to fight me in uploading any pictures today. I don't know what's wrong with it. It isn't making me happy though. I still wanted to post a picture, so please enjoy this picture of Claire trying to "catch" fish at Mall of America's Underwater Adventures in August 2008. We go every year for David and Ethan's birthday, and she thought the walk down to the riding walkway was a blast. She kept trying to "catch" all the fish. All those little dots of light in the water are their eyes. It was amusing for us all to watch.
Apparently, Claire becomes the Incredible Hulk when she's angry, minus that turning green thing. Today, she didn't want to leave the bathtub when bath time was over. In my attempt to drag her away from the bathroom, she broke free, and grabbed onto the door of the cabinet that holds some of our movies, and ripped it off. Yup..There it is in all its broken glory. Wonderful, isn't it?
I went to use the restroom and change Grayson's diaper in my bedroom. When I emerged, Claire had pulled all the Play-Doh stuff, all the cookware and a few of the dirty clothes I had in a basket for washing in the living room out and all over the kitchen floor. She was then playing quietly with one of her toys in the midst of it all. I quietly grabbed my camera, turned it on and said, "Claire, what are you doing?" And she looked up at me with her, "What? Me?" Look. There it is..In all it's glory.
David and his friend got together and took the kids (meaning his friend's son and Ethan) to see Avatar. David had zero interest in the movie until Howard Stern was all, "Totally awesome in 3D homies!" If Howard Stern says it's good, David will see it. So, they gathered up the kids and headed out to the movie. Ethan said it was "So cool mommy. The guy...They guy...The guy looked like he was jumping out of the movie!" And, yes, that is word for word what he said. I took a picture of him in his glasses, which David kept because some of our Blu-Ray movies have 3D. They remind me of nerd glasses from back in the day. Ethan thinks they're awesome.
Apparently, the best part about out new oven to Claire is the window. She loves to stand in front of it, and watch whatever is in the oven cook. Tonight, I made Chicken Parm for dinner. She had to stand in front of the oven, with the oven light on, and actually watch it cook. Hands and face all against the oven and everything. Ahhh..To be so easily entertained.
We hung out with some friends. Those friends had a jumper thing in their living room. It's way to cold to be all out doors doing the jumping. Everyone jumped and had a blast. Claire..Not much of a jumper. She just kicked back and had a drink. Ethan? He got into wrestling matches and bounced his little tush off. Good times.
After I changed the batteries in my camera yesterday, I turned it on to make sure I put them in the right way. Even if I follow the + and - thing in the camera, I always manage to put them in backwards. Claire came up and scooped up on of the old batteries and said, "Check!" and started trying to look through it. She thought it was hysterical. I took a picture and then removed the battery from her little fingers. She's so cute!
Look at Grayson. I finally got it. The smile. I wasn't even expecting it. I was just going for a picture of the boy's together, and when I looked at it on the screen to see if it was a good shot, there was the smile. I love it! Of course, when Grayson is smiling, Ethan isn't, but that's OK. I got the smile!
Grayson loves a Bumbo seat. We bought this for Claire when she was 2 months old, but she was a chunk, and didn't fit in it. Her little tush and legs actually got stuck in it, so I had to hold her while David pulled it off. Grayson, however, still has little chicken legs, so he sits in it just fine. He actually enjoys it. He coos and has himself a good old time. That good old time usually only lasts about 15 minutes, but hey, at least this thing is getting some use!Also, please ignore his yuck eye. He has clogged tear ducts, and his eyes get all yucked up before I have a chance to get to them. Poor thing.
This is why all of my cookware goes missing. She takes it out of the drawer and makes is disappear. This kid needs her own play kitchen so she can loose her own spatulas and leave mine alone. Maybe she'll get one for her birthday. Only 4 months left until the big 2!
Claire loves her daddy. She was thrilled to take this picture, as you can see. I love that hat and the big flower on it. She looks so freakin' cute in it. If Grayson was a girl, that thing would be getting passed down. I'm going to put it in her keepsake box for her. She's a daddy's girl..All the way!PS..Please ignore the redness around her mouth. It's been bitterly cold up here this week, which is why she has that around her mouth.
I thought he was going to smile. I was wrong. He's still darn cute though..If I do say so myself. And I do..Because I made him. Precious little man of mine.
It was chilly in here this morning, so Ethan wrapped himself in his Snuggie, courtesy of great grandma, and I wrapped Grayson in a blanket so Ethan could hold him. Grayson was entertained by the unmoving ceiling fan. Aren't they the cutest? I think so.
I decided to test out my close-up function on the camera. Ethan was my victim. It works well. I could do without his little red bump from hitting himself in the face with his sled there under his nose, but it still works great all the same. He makes a perfect photo subject.
If you ignore the messy hair, Claire is just downright cute checking out mommy's blog. Perfect start (or so I think) to my Project 365. Please ignore my craptastic picture taking. I got a new camera for Christmas, and we are in the process of trying to learn how to work together. Not bad though...Not bad at all! Yes, I am patting myself on the back. So sue me!