Friday, March 5, 2010

Ahhh..Again, Playing Catch Up!

My memory card and my computer decided they no longer wanted to be in a relationship. They, however, forgot to break up with me, so when I came a knockin' one day, they wanted nothing to do with me. What pains in the butts they are! So, I finally managed to get the pictures from memory card to computer. Here are 13 days worth of pictures. Also, I'm going to start adding pictures every Sunday. Things are getting busy around here. We've got birthday's coming up and since Ethan is getting closer to the end of school, he's starting to bring home more homework. Super fun!Claire decided that two paci's are better than one.

Remember, it's all about safety when watching Sesame Street.

Grayson and I were playing. His little shirt says Hug Me.

When I tell Claire it's bedtime, she "hides" from me. She thinks it's hysterical

New couches!!!!

Teddy is a big fan of the babies in the house. I think he just likes Grayson so much right now because Grayson doesn't pull on him yet like Claire does.

He had a tiny cold for a couple of days.

Claire, Tummy Time Supervisor.

Grayson, Tummy Time Hater.
She just woke up.

Enjoying the new stroller a little more than he did the first time.

Claire loves the new stroller. She wants to sit in it all the time. I set it up in the living room so she and Grayson could hang out in it.

David taking Claire for her first ride on a sled. I couldn't take Grayson out so no pictures. David can't take pictures with his gloves on, so this is what I got.

I'll start the posting every Sunday this Sunday.


Tracie Nall said...

Posting my pics once a week has saved me from stress! =)

I'm loving these pictures....the first one with the two pacis...too funny!!

Organic Motherhood with Cool Whip said...

My favorite is the one with the double pacifiers!! That is too cute.

TDM Wendy said...

Still recovering (and blog surfing from Blog party).
Lovin't the double pacifier action!